Home Ford Model T 2002 Chevrolet Tracker Donated to Car Talk

2002 Chevrolet Tracker Donated to Car Talk

2002 Chevrolet Tracker Donated to Car Talk


This week’s car donation features a 2002 Chevrolet Tracker that was donated to WYPR through the Car Talk Vehicle Donation Program. Car Talk works with local public radio stations across the nation. They ensure that each station gets the most from the proceeds of your donation. This enables your favorite programs to continue fostering thoughtful discussion, trustworthy information, and engaging entertainment. Your car donation helps keep your favorite public radio programming on air.

This donor shares their experience with their beloved vehicle and why they chose to donate to WYPR:

First of all, we listen every day to WYPR. Overnight the BBC Worldwide keeps me company when I have trouble sleeping. We love the Sunday morning puzzle and Weekend Edition. We’re grateful to be within listening distance of NPR and WYPR. Public radio is truly a national treasure.


The story of the Tracker is a long one. It started long before I came into the picture. It’s 2002 and the clutch on Meredith’s 10 year old Saturn was acting up so it was time for a new vehicle. She wanted an SUV with towing capacity and had $4000 worth of GM credit card points to use. She really wanted a Saturn VUE, but GM would not let her redeem those points on a Saturn. A friend of hers helped her pick out a comparable GM vehicle. It served her well. It was her dog mobile.


Aspen driving the Tracker, 2002


I met her 3 years later and on one of our early dates she drove the Tracker to my house. She showed me the accommodations in the back for her dog “Aspen” including pillows and a water dish in case she was thirsty. In a strange coincidence, we left that evening in my 1995 Saturn (same body style as hers). I was a little ashamed of my car but I didn’t let it show. I was surprised when she turned to me smiling and said, “Nice Car”. I assumed she was messing with me; I didn’t know she had an affinity for Saturns. I had a little leak on the passenger side and sure enough it rained that evening. We had our first kiss in the rain and she drove off in the Tracker and our relationship blossomed.


Over the years we used the Tracker as our vacation vehicle, traveling to Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, upstate New York and as far as Lafayette, Louisiana.

The proceeds from this vehicle donation will allow WYPR to continue creating content for its loyal listeners!

Does your car have a special story? We’d love to share it on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Email us your donor story and photos!

About the Car Talk Vehicle Donation Program

National Public Radio, known as NPR, is a nonprofit media organization whose mission is “to create a more informed public”. NPR reaches 120 million listeners and readers monthly through its network of member stations, website, social media, podcasts, and events.

Car Talk’s Vehicle Donation Program allows you to fund your favorite NPR station. Car Donation Wizard will return 75-80% of the gross proceeds from the sale of your car to the NPR station of your choice.

Ready to donate your car to your favorite NPR station? Turn cars into programs by donating your vehicle online or calling us at (877) 215-0227.

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