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Women on Wheels Program Brings Discounted Scooties

Women on Wheels Program Brings Discounted Scooties


In a significant step towards empowering women across Pakistan, the Prime Minister’s Women on Wheels program is set to provide 22,000 women with discounted scooters and motorcycles. This groundbreaking initiative aims to foster economic independence and drive the economic development of the nation. From Quetta to Kashmir, hardworking women from diverse backgrounds including employees, entrepreneurs, students, polio workers, and parlor workers will now have the opportunity to embrace a newfound sense of freedom and mobility – read the tweet by Salman Sufi, Head of Prime Minister of Pakistan’s Strategic Reforms.

Prime Minister’s Women on Wheels Program

The National Commission on the Status of Women, in collaboration with various stakeholders, is spearheading the Prime Minister’s Women on Wheels program. This program seeks to eliminate barriers faced by women when it comes to transportation and empower them to take charge of their own lives. By providing discounted scooters and motorcycles, women will have enhanced mobility, allowing them to pursue their ambitions and contribute to society on their own terms.

Breaking Societal Barriers

By enabling women to navigate their daily routines independently, the Women on Wheels program challenges traditional gender norms and breaks down societal barriers. This initiative demonstrates that women are capable of making their own choices, pursuing education, accessing employment opportunities, and contributing to the nation’s progress. It sends a powerful message of gender equality and serves as a stepping stone towards a more inclusive society.

As the launch of the Prime Minister’s Women on Wheels program approaches, anticipation and excitement build among women across the country. The program promises to provide not only means of transportation but also a symbol of empowerment, freedom, and progress. It serves as a testament to the government’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The Prime Minister’s Women on Wheels program marks a significant milestone in the journey towards empowering women in Pakistan. By granting women discounted access to scooters and motorcycles, this initiative aims to enhance their mobility, foster economic independence, and contribute to the nation’s development. With this program, women from all walks of life will have the opportunity to embrace their aspirations, challenge societal norms, and become active participants in shaping a brighter future for themselves and their country.



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