I purchased this car in the late 80’s from my great aunt. She purchased the car new in 1964, and used this car as her major means of transportation until she was no longer able to drive. At the time, I was living in upstate NY (near Ithaca) and needed to have a back-up vehicle for commuting to work. I also thought it would be interesting to own a car manufactured in the year of my birth. My first car was a 1966 Chrysler Newport, and I still used that car at the time as my daily driver. For several years, I found myself driving one of the two Chryslers while I was doing repairs on the other car. It seemed that about the time I got one car repaired and on the road again, the other car would need work. I switched back and forth between vehicles for several years. Toward the end of 1992, I purchased a new car, and officially retired the 1964 Newport. I continued to drive the 1966 Newport for several more years, and eventually sold it a number of years later. As I prepared to move away from upstate NY, I transported the 1964 Newport to my parents’ farm in Virginia which is where the car still sits parked today. I planned to eventually restore the car to its original glory, but other priorities have since gotten in the way. I enjoyed owning and driving my great aunt’s car, and it provided me with affordable transportation at a time when I needed it. I decided to donate to WMRA because I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley near Harrisonburg, VA. While I currently live and work in Rhode Island and listen to public radio, I plan to eventually relocate to the Shenandoah Valley. I listen to “All Things Considered” on my morning commute to work, and greatly appreciate the balanced reporting I feel I get from NPR. I don’t necessarily feel the funds should be donated to any particular NPR show, but would like any proceeds utilized as NPR feels they can best be utilized. Thank you very much for independent and balanced news reporting!! Keep up the great work!!