
Above: E-types gathered for the annual Club Weekend at the The Chateau Impney Hotel, Droitwich, 2017.
Well it’s been another full and wonderful year for the E-type Club. Thank you to all our members, wonderful representatives, fantastic partners and sponsors. Representatives do a marvellous job organising meets throughout the year to enable E-type owners to share the enjoyment of owning and driving these wonderful cars. This is truly the Club’s raison d’être and without the representatives could not possibly be achieved. We thank and salute you.
Spring 2017 was busy. CKL Developments and Duncan Hamilton & Co Ltd welcomed Club members to their Goodwood Track Days and CMC kindly hosted their popular Technical Seminar, giving E-type advice in their state-of-the-art workshops. It was well-attended with members from as far afield as West Yorkshire and Surrey. The Club Office organised its annual Spring meeting in Bramber, West Sussex, hosted by Southern region representative Peter Spackman.
Summer was even busier! The Chateau Impney Hotel in Droitwich was the scene for the annual Club weekend, kindly sponsored by SNG Barratt and Motor Wheel Services. A great display of cars, fun competitions and an awards ceremony was followed by a run up the famous hillclimb. Our partners Backwater Tours and Classics on the Road organised some wonderful summer tours to spectacular locations. There was plenty on offer for Club members to enjoy.
September saw E-type Club member Steve Beeson kindly arrange a Club stand at Concours of Elegance at Hampton Court where he kindly hosted both E-type and XK Club members. A Pyrenees Tour organised by Classics on the Road was the perfect way to extend the 2017 driving season. Goodwood Revival was, as always, another highlight — despite challenging weather!
Here’s to an equally enjoyable 2018.