Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Ammara Athar has introduced a groundbreaking door-to-door licensing service exclusively for students across various universities and colleges in Lahore. This visionary move, disclosed through the official Twitter handle of Lahore Traffic Police, signals a significant leap towards fostering road safety awareness among the city’s young drivers.
Accessible Licensing for Students
The Lahore Traffic Police’s latest initiative aims to streamline the process of acquiring a driving license, specifically catering to the student community. Acknowledging the hectic schedules and multifaceted challenges faced by students, this service brings the entire licensing procedure directly to their educational institutions.
Responsible Driving Habits
More than just a matter of convenience, the door-to-door licensing facility emerges as a strategic maneuver to instill responsible driving habits among the youth. By easing the licensing journey for students, Lahore Traffic Police anticipates a surge in legally licensed young drivers, fostering a culture of responsible road behavior.
Road Safety & Licensing
This pioneering step aligns with Lahore Traffic Police’s broader objective of enhancing road safety and ensuring compliance with traffic laws. The department’s previous plans to double fines for driving without a license and expanding driving test locations set the stage for this innovative student-centric initiative.
Bringing the licensing process to educational institutions reflects a dual purpose – providing students with a hassle-free licensing experience and cultivating a sense of responsibility from a young age. The initiative aims not only to make the process more convenient but also to reinforce the importance of holding a valid driving license.
Commitment to Safety
This door-to-door licensing service is a testament to Lahore Traffic Police’s unwavering commitment to road safety. As the city takes strides towards a safer and more compliant road culture, initiatives like these play a pivotal role in shaping a responsible and law-abiding generation of drivers.
You can also read about applying for a learner’s driving license online here.
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