Home Acura NSX Learn How To Off-Road With The Autopian At Detroit 4Fest This Month

Learn How To Off-Road With The Autopian At Detroit 4Fest This Month

Learn How To Off-Road With The Autopian At Detroit 4Fest This Month


Do you love off-roading? Have you never off-roaded at all, ever in your life? Here’s your chance to learn and drive with the best at Detroit 4Fest from September 8th to September 10th . Even better, if you’re a reader you’ll get a discount, and if you’re a member you’ll get an even bigger discount! Sign up here, more details below.

As part of a new partnership, The Autopian will be attending Detroit 4Fest, an exciting four-wheeling event that combines live music, motorsports, camping, off-roading, vendor demonstrations, and driver education — all at Holly Oaks ORV park in Holly, Michigan, just outside Detroit. The education part is where The Autopian comes in, as we’re partnering with 4Fest on an hour-long Off-Road 101 course. This is an introductory course with instruction from industry professionals.

David and Mercedes went on an epic off-road trip at Holly Oaks last year; you can read all about it here. And you can watch these clips:Screenshot 2023 08 29 At 11.11.38 Am

Screenshot 2023 08 29 At 11.11.48 Am

Entry into Detroit 4Fest is $25 for the day and the class is $25, but if you’re an Autopian reader you can use the code Autopian15 to get $15 off the entry fee. If you’re a member, check your email for a code for $20 off the Off-Road 101 class. If you’re not a member, you can sign up and I’ll email you the code. Everyone who participates will get a sweet sticker.

You can sign up here for one or multiple days.

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Will we be there? Absolutely. David is coming to Detroit on Friday, September 8 for the NightFest (a trail ride that starts at 7PM — see above); he has to leave for a wedding on Saturday morning, but hopes to at least take part in the first 101 course at 9AM. Mercedes will be at 4Fest on Saturday and Sunday.

Off Road 101 Inpost

What: An Off-Road 101 Course at Detroit 4Fest.

Where: Holly Oaks ORV Park in Holly, Michigan outside Detroit.

When: Friday, September 8th through Sunday, September 10th.

How: Sign up here and use code Autopian15 at checkout.

Important: If you want to off-road you need to bring an off-road worthy vehicle. Extra bonus points if you just bought the vehicle on Craigslist for $200 the week before. Bring a front-mounted flag or purchase one there (they’re $40 if purchased online). We’ll also be camping nearby if you just want to come camp with us. Check out the details in our Discord.



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