Porsche efuel water car fuel chile production
Porsche plans to launch a new type of biofuel. eFuel, as Porsche calls it, will be produced in the windy desert of Chile.
Apparently, Porsche sees the future differently. According to the German luxury carmaker, electric power is not the only way going forward. A host of other possibilities are still there, waiting to be explored and developed. One of those possibilities is being made in Chile, South America. Precisely at a Porsche facility located in Punta Arenas.
The pilot project has already made significant advancements, Porsche announced that it has successfully produced the first quantities of the new liquid “eFuel”, made out of water and carbon dioxide, and produced using clean wind energy.
Along with the now-familiar electric energy, eFuel represents Porsche’s two-prong approach, or “double-e path” as in Porsche’s terminology, to tackling climate change. Both of them are being developed simultaneously in collaboration with different partners.
It’s true that electric power is currently more developed and enjoys a stronger infrastructure, but it’s always safer to have a backup plan, another technology that’s viable in the long term and ready to be implemented when needed. eFuel can also be used simultaneously to supplement electricity as a new, friendlier form of hybridization.
The biggest advantage of eFuel is its compatibility with old-school combustion engines. The new technology allows regular cars to operate in a “nearly CO2-neutral” manner without radically changing the hardware, as it’s the case with EVs. Porsche estimates that the new Chile plant will produce up to 145 million gallons of biofuel each year before 2030, which is a good start for such a new technology.
To popularize eFuel, Porsche will ship this first sample of 34,000 gallons to its own “lighthouse projects,”. As the project progresses, the fuel will be used in all Porsche Experience Centers around the world. And then someday, the company hopes that eFuel will be sold freely on the open market.
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