One of the many reasons why transparency is #1 at The Autopian is that you, dear readers, are clever as hell. Your ability sniff out even the tiniest sliver of bullshit has led to a Zero Bullshit policy at this humble publication. Such a policy, however, is clearly not in place in the government offices of Georgia, because the state is cranking out steaming, straw-filled mountains of brown, babyback bullshit, particularly of the variety that bans the registration of Japanese Kei Trucks. The reasoning for the ban, according to a number of readers, is utter nonsense. Let’s have a look.
Georgia is laying the smackdown of imported Kei vehicles, citing safety as a primary concern, as Mercedes notes in her thorough writeup of the issue. From that article:

It is important for counties to avoid titling and registering Kei Vehicles. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety issued a report warning that Kei Vehicles cannot protect passengers from collisions with even the smallest, lightest FMVSS vehicles. Kei Vehicles are not safe to be driven on Georgia roads.
This reasoning did not sit well with readers. Why the hell is Georgia banning 25 year-old vehicles because they’re unsafe? Aren’t most 25 year-old vehicles unsafe, relatively speaking? Also, aren’t motorcycles much less safe? Also, aren’t Kei trucks low enough volume that Georgia can just let this slide? I mean, seriously; how many Kei trucks is Georgia expecting to see on the roads? I realize they’re the Hot Newness among many car-fans, but let’s just be real here: If you can drive this legally, you should be able to drive a damn Kei truck:
Anyway, let’s get into some comments:
Bullshit. Autopian readers won’t have it!