Today, Mark Tucker put up an unexpected pairing for Shitbox Showdown. Do you choose a dreary Chevrolet Corsica with the addition of a manual transmission, or do you choose an alluring Audi TT that’s broken and will probably will forever be broken? This Shitbox Showdown divided our readership in an amusing way. Lots of you seem to love the Audi, but know that VAG products of two decades ago are reliability nightmares. Yet, the best thing about that Corsica is the transmission. Some of you chose the Corsica just to keep your bank accounts from fainting.
We missed a couple of COTD entries, so we’re nominating a few readers today, all from a single, very entertaining thread. Bobfish wins the first COTD today for starting said thread:
This is like the Voight-Kampff of car choices! “You see a slightly broken Audi TT on its back in the desert. Do you fix it, or do you drive the Corsica?” “What’s wrong with the Audi?” “It doesn’t matter what’s wrong, it’s purely hypothetical, and expensive”
Tuecutter responded:
“What do you mean I’m not fixing it!?”
Jimmy Steel said:
You want to know about my mother. I’ll tell you about my mother!
Finally, A. Barth got an actual cackle out of me with this:
A: “A TT? What’s that?”
B: “You know what a new Beetle is?”
A: “Of course”
B: “Same thing”
Ouch! If you have no idea what these readers are going on about, it’s a reference to the Voight-Kampff Test from Blade Runner, shown here:
Here’s what the Blade Runner press kit says:
“A very advanced form of lie detector that measures contractions of the iris muscle and the presence of invisible airborne particles emitted from the body. The bellows were designed for the latter function and give the machine the menacing air of a sinister insect. The VK is used primarily by Blade Runners to determine if a suspect is truly human by measuring the degree of his empathic response through carefully worded questions and statements.”
I still choose the Audi TT, does that make me a Replicant? Have a great evening, everyone!
(Topshot: Warner Bros./Mercedes Streeter/Craigslist Seller)
The post The Choice Between A Broken Audi TT And An Old Chevy Corsica Is Like An Interrogation: COTD appeared first on The Autopian.