We all know the official Porsche museum located in Stuttgart, Germany, which is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 6 pm, just visiting the museum will set you back €12 for adults, but if you are a Porsche Club member you’ll get into this amazing venue for just €6, and get this, the museum is called ‘Barrier-free’, which means you can actually get up close to most of the 80 Porsche cars on display at the museum, and it’s a rotating set of 80 cars, there are some permanent occupants, but the others get rotated with different models from time to time, even some themed exhibitions are set up regularly. If you prefer a guided tour of the museum and even a factory tour, that’s also an option, at an extra cost naturally, but it will make your experience even better.
This gets us to the topic of this article, with a rotating exhibit inside the museum, there is a vast number of Porsche cars that aren’t visible to the public, these are stored inside a massive warehouse that holds at least one of each Porsche model ever built … yes, you are reading that right, a model of every Porsche that ever left the factory gates, and that goes from the early 365 right up to the latest 911, Cayenne, Macan, or Panamera … all of them, including one-off prototypes and concept cars.
Take a look at the video below, where Tom Ford, associate editor for Top Gear Magazine, is granted access to the Porsche Vault that holds the largest collection of Porsche models in the world, but it is strictly off-limits to the public, I’m sure some secrets are hiding under a cloth in this vault, things we aren’t supposed to ever see:
The above video only takes a look at the Porsche models stored away in the Vault that have actually made it into production, some very limited in numbers perhaps, but still production models, now take a look at the video below which is even more special, in it Tom takes us on a tour of the priceless one-off prototypes and concepts created by Porsche over time, and perhaps a little warning … some of these do look very strange today, but back in their time these were cutting-edge, futuristic concepts: