As we’ve established, literally today, David has no real sense of pop culture beyond what, like, a dog might be able to ascertain from loafing on the couch while a kid plays Roblox and listens to Olivia Rodrigo or whatever.
Thankfully, he’s found a “friend” and his “friend” makes him watch television. Her taste in television is quite good and has led David to watch shows like the quietly humane “Somebody, Somewhere” on HBO.

While none of my references to The Simpsons will ever land, I can at least make a Ted Lasso joke from time-to-time. I’d kind of assumed most of these shows would be in that sort of streaming, prestige-adjacent dramedy vibe. Nope, David’s “friend” got him to watch a reality show.
This came up because we were talking about that stupid column in The Telegraph and that’s a British newspaper, so David shared this:
[David Tracy Note: Oh man, I gotta remember that what I say in Slack can make it to the front page. Anyway, I don’t actually hate the entirety of the British media, I just think it can be pretty ruthless, which I don’t love. Also the documentary on the Beckhams does, as you might predict, make them seem like good folks. That’s what self-produced documentaries do (see The Last Dance). In any case, I was a Beckham fan before watching this, and I admire him for the imperfect person he is.
Also, I have no clue about Ted Lasso, but my “Friend” watches it, so maybe I’ll get a reference eventually? -DT].
This was a surprise to me. Also that David Tracy, a man who seems distrustful of people who own more than three towels, suddenly is on the side of David Beckham and Posh Spice? It’s wild.
[Mercedes Note: I should clarify my statement. Like David, I also don’t dislike the entirety of British media. I have sourced and will continue to source stellar journalism from the BBC, the Guardian, and other high-quality outfits. There are lots of great journalists doing hard work out there. As for Rowling, well, it’s a shame what she likes to say about people like me… – MS]
Does David get references to “Parks & Rec”? I didn’t ask. Here’s a highlight reel of John Ralphio, the best character from the show:
Also, here’s one thing that most of the staff has in common: We do not like Harry Potter. If there are Muggles out there, no judgement, but I also do not like the Harry Potter series of books and the fact that the writer’s an asshole makes me feel better about my opinions.
[David Tracy Note: Speak for yourself! I DIG Harry Potter. -DT].
Man, a “Discworld” reference! Extremely Thomas.