The Anti Vehicle Lifting Unit of Islamabad Capital Police has returned several stolen vehicles bringing a sigh of relief to vehicle owners. Here’s the story of how the AVLU’s efforts have made a significant impact.
Crack Down on Car Thieves
Capital Police Officer (CPO) Operations, Shakir Hussain Dawar, shared in a press briefing that the AVLU’s relentless crackdown on car thieves has resulted in a notable 10% reduction in car theft incidents compared to the previous year. This achievement stands as a testament to the unit’s dedication to ensuring the safety of residents and their vehicles.
The AVLU’s operations have not only curbed car theft but also led to the apprehension of 125 members belonging to two dozen notorious gangs. The crackdown targeted highly organized criminal networks, significantly impacting their ability to carry out car-snatching activities.
Recovery of Stolen Vehicles
In a significant win for vehicle owners, the AVLU recovered a staggering 178 stolen vehicles, valued at Rs. 462.5 million, from the possession of these criminal networks. The use of modern surveillance techniques and effective coordination played a pivotal role in dismantling these gangs.
The surveillance cameras of the Safe City system emerged as unsung heroes in this victory against car theft. Notably, they played a crucial role in exposing and dismantling highly organized groups, such as the notorious Bilal Sabit Gang, contributing to the decline in car-snatching activities across the city.
National Impact of the Crackdown
The recovered vehicles had been stolen from various parts of the country, including KP, Punjab, Azad Kashmir, Balochistan, and Gilgit-Baltistan. The AVLU’s success extends beyond Islamabad, making a significant impact on the national front.
Owners Reunited with Stolen Vehicles
In a heartening development, the police, during their crackdown, identified and recovered vehicles stolen from different regions. These vehicles were then reunited with their rightful owners, bringing closure to those who had experienced the distress of losing their valuable assets.
The AVLU’s unwavering commitment to tackling car theft serves as a beacon of success, showcasing how strategic efforts and modern technology can make communities safer.
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