Home Ferrari 250 GTO Honda Atlas Terminates Dealership Agreement

Honda Atlas Terminates Dealership Agreement

Honda Atlas Terminates Dealership Agreement


Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited (HACPL) has officially terminated its 3S Dealership Agreement with Honda Centre (Pvt.) Limited in Rawalpindi.

Honda Atlas Announcement

HACPL dropped a bombshell, announcing the immediate termination of its dealership agreement with Honda Centre in Rawalpindi. The termination, effective from October 2, 2023, marks a significant shift in the business relationship between the two entities.

No More Authorization 

With the termination, Honda Centre (Pvt.) Limited loses its authorization to act or represent itself as a dealer on behalf of HACPL. This includes any and all activities, be it transactions, bookings, or payments made under the name of Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited through Honda Centre (Pvt.) Limited.

Warning to the Public

HACPL, in a clear and stern tone, issued a warning to the public. Anyone engaging in dealings, making bookings, or submitting payments in the name of HACPL through Honda Centre (Pvt.) Limited is doing so at their own risk. Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited explicitly states that it holds no responsibility for any such transactions or agreements made after the termination.

Cautionary Note

The notice emphasizes the caution that the public should exercise when dealing with any entity claiming to represent HACPL in Rawalpindi.

In conclusion, the termination of the dealership agreement sends shockwaves through the automotive community, prompting caution for the public and reshaping the landscape of Honda dealings in Rawalpindi.What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments below!



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