Home Lamborghini Miura the works Iso Grifo A3/C Corsa chassis B-0210 — Supercar Nostalgia

the works Iso Grifo A3/C Corsa chassis B-0210 — Supercar Nostalgia

the works Iso Grifo A3/C Corsa chassis B-0210 — Supercar Nostalgia


The race got underway at 10am in blisteringly hot conditions. However, things did not go well for Silvio Moser in B-0210 which began to experience severe brake fade as its Dunlop brake fluid boiled and evaporated.

During the second hour things came to a head when, on lap 16, Moser’s brakes failed completely as he approached the hairpin. B-0210 flew over a sandbank and into the spectator’s area where it slammed head-first at high speed into a stationary Volkswagen Beetle. With its front end pummelled-in, the brand new car was wrecked and three spectators were slightly injured.

A couple of hours later the sister car B-0214 was also wrecked in an even more spectacular incident when Mike Gammino lost control in torrential rain and smashed sideways into the Mercedes-Benz bridge slicing B-0214 in two behind the cockpit.

Neither B-0210 or B-0214 returned to Italy. The wrecked remains were sold off and eventually grafted together to make one complete car.

Notable History

Iso Rivolta

27/03/1965 WSC Sebring 12 Hours (S. Moser / M. Casoni / D. Greenblat) DNF (#8)

Wrecked during Silvio Moser’s crash at Sebring

Remains sold off while still in the USA

Photo copyright: Paul Rainville & The Henry Ford Archive – https://www.thehenryford.org/



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