Home Ferrari 250 GTO Traffic Penalties Observed A Massive Surge in Islamabad

Traffic Penalties Observed A Massive Surge in Islamabad

Traffic Penalties Observed A Massive Surge in Islamabad


With an aim to enhance road safety and ensure strict compliance with traffic regulations, the Ministry of Interior in Islamabad has recently come with a significant surge in traffic penalties.

The move comes as part of a comprehensive effort to foster responsible driving practices and curb the rising number of road accidents in the capital of country. While this initiative is undoubtedly well-intentioned, it has stirred up mixed emotions among residents of the city.

Under the new regulations, traffic fines will see a considerable hike, ranging from a minimum of Rs. 500 to a whopping Rs. 8,000, contingent upon the severity of the violation.

New Fine Structure

Here are some key changes witnessed in fine structure:

  • Signal violations now carry a hefty fine of Rs. 2,000.
  • Motorcyclists found guilty of one-way violations or underage driving will be fined Rs. 1,000.
  • Car owners face fines of up to Rs. 2,000 for similar offenses.
  • Heavy Transport Vehicles (HTVs) may incur penalties of up to Rs. 8,000, depending on the nature of the violation.

Notably, these revised penalties also extend their reach to include cyclists, a group that had largely escaped the purview of previous regulations. Cyclists will now face a Rs. 500 fine for disregarding traffic signals, signifying a notable shift in the government’s approach towards enforcing road safety for all road users.

Moreover, fines for tinted glasses, reckless driving, and driving without a valid license have also been revised. Vehicles found with tinted windows will be fined Rs. 1,500, while reckless drivers will face fines of Rs. 2,000. Those caught driving without a license can expect penalties ranging from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 8,000, depending on the type of vehicle.

Mobile phone use while driving, a growing concern in today’s digital age, has also received due attention. Violators can expect fines ranging from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 8,000, depending on the severity of the offense.

A spokesperson from the Ministry of Interior emphasized the significance of this initiative in ongoing efforts to mitigate accidents and promote responsible driving. The primary goal here is to instill a greater sense of responsibility among drivers.

Furthermore, unregistered vehicles, illegal parking, and wrong-way driving have not escaped the radar of the authorities, with corresponding penalties now in place.



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