Home Ferrari 250 GTO World’s First Public EV Crash Test – Video

World’s First Public EV Crash Test – Video

World’s First Public EV Crash Test – Video


Mercedes-Benz has shattered conventions by conducting the world’s first public EV crash test. This unprecedented public frontal impact test was held at the Mercedes crash facility in Germany. The test featured two electric vehicles—the EQA and EQS SUV. 

In this bold move, Mercedes-Benz exceeded legal and ratings requirements in a frontal impact test. The automaker defied norms set by the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP). The EQA and EQS SUV, each weighing over 2 tons, collided at 56 km/h—higher than the mandated 50 km/h. This elevated the crash energy significantly beyond legal demands.

Passenger Safety in Crash Test

Mercedes engineers reported that the cars effectively absorbed the collision’s energy, preserving the integrity of the passenger safety cell. In emergency scenarios, this ensures occupants can exit the vehicle independently or aids first responders in reaching them. Despite the impact, the doors remained operable.

EV Crash Test

Safety Assurance in Crash Test

Equipped with adult dummies, the EQA and EQS SUV demonstrated low risks of serious to fatal injuries, validating the efficacy of crumple zones and advanced restraint systems. With up to 150 measuring points per dummy, the crash test showcased the vehicles’ potential to protect occupants even in severe collisions.

Safety Tech

All safety features, including airbags and belt tensioners, performed flawlessly, validating results from extensive computer simulations. The high-voltage system in both vehicles automatically shut down during the collision, emphasizing Mercedes’ commitment to EV safety.

Mercedes-Benz Safety Vision

Markus Schäfer, CTO of Mercedes-Benz Group, emphasized the brand’s unwavering commitment to safety. The recent crash test aligns with their ambitious goal of zero accidents involving a Mercedes-Benz vehicle by 2050. Mercedes-Benz aims not just for technological excellence but also prioritizes the safety of all road users.

What are your thoughts on this EV crash test and its results? Let us know in the comments below!

Watch the full video of both EVs crashing into each other head on1



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